
Showing posts with the label Skincare Natural

Benefits of Using Natural Toner for Healthy and Glowing Skin

Skin care isn’t always straightforward. Have you ever stared at a bottle of pricey toner — that looks like little more than water — and thought: “what exactly is this supposed to do for my skin?” These skin care enigmas have been mystifying consumers for years, which is mainly due to misinformation.! Allow us to set the record straight: way back in the day, face toner was considered an unromantic, almost medicinal treatment for neutralizing oily or blemish-prone skin. These formulas were full of dehydrators like alcohol, so understandably they weren’t very popular, and were only used in cases of extreme breakouts. Fast-forward to year 2019, and the game has entirely changed: hydrating natural toners have become absolutely essential to not only Korean skin care routines, but to day-to-day skin care lineups everywhere. A natural toner will contain much more than plain old water, and can completely level-up your skin care efforts by creating plump, glowing skin after a deep cleanse. Get

5 Benefits of Grapeseed Oil for Hair

  How grapeseed oil benefits your skin care routine We all know fine wine only gets better with age. But what if components of wine, like grape seeds, could actually slow signs of aging? It just so happens other ingredients extracted from grapes are giving wine a run for its cork — at least in the skin care realm. Grapeseed oil is one such ingredient! What Is Grapeseed Oil? Cheers if you guessed  grapeseed oil benefits for skin  has something to do with vino! Vitis Vinifera Oil, commonly known as grapeseed oil, is extracted from the tiny seeds of grapes. It has a silky texture, and will have a light yellow-green color. Grapeseed oil packs a powerful punch thanks to natural stores of antioxidants and skin-promoting compounds. High amounts of omega fatty acids — especially linoleic acid — and vitamin E help maintain healthy moisture levels in the skin. 5 Key Grapeseed Oil Benefits for Skin Check out the top grapeseed oil benefits for your skin! #1:  Manages acne breakouts One of the top