Why We Say YES to Natural Hair Care Products
Why We Say YES to Natural Hair Care Products When it comes to self-care, it can be hard to find products that have everything we need. Using natural hair care as an example, our ideal shampoo and conditioner needs to feature powerful natural ingredients. And high-quality performance. They also have to be soft on our wallets and sulfate-free. Oh, and they should also be scented with the perfect fragrance to leave our love interests repeatedly sniffing their pillows the next morning. Let’s face it, stuffing all those requirements into a 13-ounce bottle is tough. That’s why 100% PURE is focused on creating the best natural hair products that are free of fluff for maximum potency. Today we’ll be doing a deep dive into hair health from the scalp up, to help you discover what your hair needs and why. How to Get Healthier Hair Don’t leave hair stranded! Now that we’ve addressed the scalp, time to move on to the strands. It’s no secret that different hair types require differ...